Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Timelines for pages

I have already written about Facebook group's design changes:  Facebook as a safe shelf . Facebook is giving back all your information that you have ever shared. Our profiles had timelines (still it is up to you to change your profile), groups' design changed automatically. Today Facebook announced about timeline for pages.

I hurry to say that it is not mandatory for all pages. If you don't like timeline don't change your pages' design. 

Social Media Marketing is interaction. You should communicate with your fans. 

This is a rule of Social Media Marketing. And here Facebook has a new tool. Now you can contact with your fans using messages. writes:
The newly created Timeline for pages Facebook tool would allow you to create a fan page tab and represent your brand history in a timeline. You can let your Facebook fans see that your brand has history and you can pinpoint milestones or achievements.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Facebook as a safe shelf

Day by day we see new features in Facebook. It's easy to notice that Facebook gives you back all information that you have ever shared. Facebook is becoming not only a tool for Social Media Marketing, for communication but an easy folder where you can save photos, documents, links, etc. If they are private you can choose whom to see them. 
This strategy is a cool differentiation in Social Networks market.  
Today Facebook has loaded groups' new features. Now you can enlarge your group's photo which will look like  your timeline's cover photo or you can give chance to see some members of the group.  Group members, events, photos, docs are visible and it's easier to find or add them. 
 For promoters, social media marketers there is a question: Facebook pages vs. groups. Search engine helped me to find this Google doc . Here is a table which helps you to compare Facebook fan pages, groups and LinkedIn groups. Which one is more useful for you? You should know the answer better. 
Based on my Facebook experience and articles that I read  Facebook likes do not work so much. Like does not mean that I read your posts every time, I like this page so much.... or I'm interested in this page. It is not so. 
What do we have in Facebook shelf now? 
Now groups are more visual, old informations are not lost, communication is better and flexible.
Fan pages are really week.

Are they going to disappear? Do they have no future?

Monday, February 20, 2012


Hello dear reader!

You are reading the first post of my new blog which is named Marketing & PR. 

Today every time and everywhere we meet with these 2 words- Marketing and PR. Whatever you do you are not able to skip them. Otherwise you will be a loser. 
Marketing is a key concept for the businesses.
NGOs need  PR and brand name awareness strategy to be strong and share their ideas. 
Elections are coming  in Armenia. PR specialists and image-makers are working hard. 
Even if you are a simple user of social networks you would like to have more likes and comments to your posts. 
Do you want to know which is marketing tool and which is real offer for you?
Do you want to know more about Marketing, PR, Social Media? 
If your answer is "yes", then my blog will be interesting for you.

Let's talk about marketing, PR, Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin, blogs, etc.).
